proxmox-backup-manager acl list [OPTIONS]

Access Control list.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager acl update <path> <role> [OPTIONS]

Update Access Control List (ACLs).


Access control path.


Enum representing roles via their [PRIVILEGES] combination.

Since privileges are implemented as bitflags, each unique combination of privileges maps to a single, unique u64 value that is used in this enum definition.

Optional parameters:

--auth-id <string>

Authentication ID

--delete <boolean>

Remove permissions (instead of adding it).

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--group <string>

Group ID

--propagate <boolean>   (default=true)

Allow to propagate (inherit) permissions.

proxmox-backup-manager acme account deactivate <name> [OPTIONS]

Deactivate an ACME account.


ACME account name.

Optional parameters:

--force <boolean>   (default=false)

Delete account data even if the server refuses to deactivate the account.

proxmox-backup-manager acme account info <name> [OPTIONS]

Show acme account information.


ACME account name.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager acme account list [OPTIONS]

List acme accounts.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager acme account register <name> <contact> [OPTIONS]

Register an ACME account.


ACME account name.


List of email addresses.

Optional parameters:

--directory <string>

The ACME Directory.

proxmox-backup-manager acme account update <name> [OPTIONS]

Update an ACME account.


ACME account name.

Optional parameters:

--contact <string>

List of email addresses.

proxmox-backup-manager acme cert order [OPTIONS]

Order a new ACME certificate.

Optional parameters:

--force <boolean>   (default=false)

Force renewal even if the certificate does not expire soon.

proxmox-backup-manager acme cert revoke

Order a new ACME certificate.

proxmox-backup-manager acme plugin add <type> <id> --data <string> --api <string> [OPTIONS]

Show acme account information.


The ACME challenge plugin type.


ACME Challenge Plugin ID.

--data <string>

File containing the plugin data.

--api <string>

DNS API Plugin Id.

Optional parameters:

--disable <boolean>   (default=false)

Flag to disable the config.

--validation-delay <integer> (0 - 172800)   (default=30)

Extra delay in seconds to wait before requesting validation.

Allows to cope with long TTL of DNS records.

proxmox-backup-manager acme plugin config <id> [OPTIONS]

Show acme account information.


Plugin ID

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager acme plugin list [OPTIONS]

List acme plugins.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager acme plugin remove <id>

Delete an ACME plugin configuration.


ACME Challenge Plugin ID.

proxmox-backup-manager acme plugin set <id> [OPTIONS]

Update an ACME plugin configuration.


ACME Challenge Plugin ID.

Optional parameters:

--data <string>

DNS plugin data (base64 encoded with padding).

--delete disable|validation-delay

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Digest to protect against concurrent updates

--api <string>

DNS API Plugin Id.

--disable <boolean>   (default=false)

Flag to disable the config.

--validation-delay <integer> (0 - 172800)   (default=30)

Extra delay in seconds to wait before requesting validation.

Allows to cope with long TTL of DNS records.

proxmox-backup-manager ad create <realm> --server1 <string> [OPTIONS]

Create a new AD realm


Realm name.

--server1 <string>

AD server address

Optional parameters:

--password <string>

AD bind password

--base-dn <string>

LDAP Domain

--bind-dn <string>

LDAP Domain

--capath <string>

CA certificate to use for the server. The path can point to either a file, or a directory. If it points to a file, the PEM-formatted X.509 certificate stored at the path will be added as a trusted certificate. If the path points to a directory, the directory replaces the system's default certificate store at /etc/ssl/certs - Every file in the directory will be loaded as a trusted certificate.

--comment <string>


--filter <string>

Custom LDAP search filter for user sync

--mode ldap|ldap+starttls|ldaps   (default=ldap)

LDAP connection type

--port <integer> (0 - 65535)

AD server Port

--server2 <string>

Fallback AD server address

--sync-attributes [[email=<string>] [,firstname=<string>] [,lastname=<string>]]

Comma-separated list of key=value pairs for specifying which LDAP attributes map to which PBS user field. For example, to map the LDAP attribute mail to PBS's email, write email=mail.

--sync-defaults-options [[enable-new=<1|0>] [,remove-vanished=<string>]]

sync defaults options

--user-classes [<string>, ...]   (default=inetorgperson,posixaccount,person,user)

Comma-separated list of allowed objectClass values for user synchronization. For instance, if user-classes is set to person,user, then user synchronization will consider all LDAP entities where objectClass: person or objectClass: user.

--verify <boolean>   (default=false)

Verify server certificate

proxmox-backup-manager ad delete <realm> [OPTIONS]

Remove an LDAP realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager ad list [OPTIONS]

List configured AD realms

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager ad show <realm> [OPTIONS]

Show AD realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager ad sync <realm> [OPTIONS]

Sync a given LDAP realm


Authentication domain ID

Optional parameters:

--dry-run <boolean>   (default=false)

If set, do not create/delete anything

--enable-new <boolean>

Enable newly synced users immediately

--remove-vanished [acl|entry|properties, ...]

A semicolon-seperated list of things to remove when they or the user vanishes during user synchronization. The following values are possible: entry removes the user when not returned from the sync; properties removes any properties on existing user that do not appear in the source. acl removes ACLs when the user is not returned from the sync.

proxmox-backup-manager ad update <realm> [OPTIONS]

Update an AD realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--delete server2|port|comment|verify|mode|bind-dn|password|filter|sync-defaults-options|sync-attributes|user-classes

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--password <string>

AD bind password

--base-dn <string>

LDAP Domain

--bind-dn <string>

LDAP Domain

--capath <string>

CA certificate to use for the server. The path can point to either a file, or a directory. If it points to a file, the PEM-formatted X.509 certificate stored at the path will be added as a trusted certificate. If the path points to a directory, the directory replaces the system's default certificate store at /etc/ssl/certs - Every file in the directory will be loaded as a trusted certificate.

--comment <string>


--filter <string>

Custom LDAP search filter for user sync

--mode ldap|ldap+starttls|ldaps   (default=ldap)

LDAP connection type

--port <integer> (0 - 65535)

AD server Port

--server1 <string>

AD server address

--server2 <string>

Fallback AD server address

--sync-attributes [[email=<string>] [,firstname=<string>] [,lastname=<string>]]

Comma-separated list of key=value pairs for specifying which LDAP attributes map to which PBS user field. For example, to map the LDAP attribute mail to PBS's email, write email=mail.

--sync-defaults-options [[enable-new=<1|0>] [,remove-vanished=<string>]]

sync defaults options

--user-classes [<string>, ...]   (default=inetorgperson,posixaccount,person,user)

Comma-separated list of allowed objectClass values for user synchronization. For instance, if user-classes is set to person,user, then user synchronization will consider all LDAP entities where objectClass: person or objectClass: user.

--verify <boolean>   (default=false)

Verify server certificate

proxmox-backup-manager cert info

Display node certificate information.

proxmox-backup-manager cert update [OPTIONS]

Update node certificates and generate all needed files/directories.

Optional parameters:

--force <boolean>

Force generation of new SSL certifate.

proxmox-backup-manager datastore create <name> <path> [OPTIONS]

Create new datastore config.


Datastore name.


Directory name

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

--comment <string>


--gc-schedule <calendar-event>

Run garbage collection job at specified schedule.

--maintenance-mode [type=<enum> [,message=<string>]]

Maintenance mode, type is either 'offline' or 'read-only', message should be enclosed in "

--notification-mode legacy-sendmail|notification-system   (default=legacy-sendmail)

Configure how notifications for this datastore should be sent. legacy-sendmail sends email notifications to the user configured in notify-user via the system's sendmail executable. notification-system emits matchable notification events to the notification system.

--notify [[gc=<enum>] [,prune=<enum>] [,sync=<enum>] [,verify=<enum>]]

Datastore notification setting, enum can be one of 'always', 'never', or 'error'.

--notify-user <string>

User ID

--prune-schedule <calendar-event>

Run prune job at specified schedule.

--tuning [[chunk-order=<enum>] [,sync-level=<enum>]]

Datastore tuning options

--verify-new <boolean>

If enabled, all new backups will be verified right after completion.

--keep-daily <integer> (1 - N)

Number of daily backups to keep.

--keep-hourly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of hourly backups to keep.

--keep-last <integer> (1 - N)

Number of backups to keep.

--keep-monthly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of monthly backups to keep.

--keep-weekly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of weekly backups to keep.

--keep-yearly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of yearly backups to keep.

proxmox-backup-manager datastore list [OPTIONS]

Datastore list.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager datastore remove <name> [OPTIONS]

Remove a datastore configuration.


Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--destroy-data <boolean>   (default=false)

Delete the datastore's underlying contents

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--keep-job-configs <boolean>   (default=false)

If enabled, the job configurations related to this datastore will be kept.

proxmox-backup-manager datastore show <name> [OPTIONS]

Show datastore configuration


Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager datastore update <name> [OPTIONS]

Update datastore config.


Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--delete comment|gc-schedule|prune-schedule|keep-last|keep-hourly|keep-daily|keep-weekly|keep-monthly|keep-yearly|verify-new|notify-user|notify|notification-mode|tuning|maintenance-mode

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--comment <string>


--gc-schedule <calendar-event>

Run garbage collection job at specified schedule.

--maintenance-mode [type=<enum> [,message=<string>]]

Maintenance mode, type is either 'offline' or 'read-only', message should be enclosed in "

--notification-mode legacy-sendmail|notification-system   (default=legacy-sendmail)

Configure how notifications for this datastore should be sent. legacy-sendmail sends email notifications to the user configured in notify-user via the system's sendmail executable. notification-system emits matchable notification events to the notification system.

--notify [[gc=<enum>] [,prune=<enum>] [,sync=<enum>] [,verify=<enum>]]

Datastore notification setting, enum can be one of 'always', 'never', or 'error'.

--notify-user <string>

User ID

--prune-schedule <calendar-event>

Run prune job at specified schedule.

--tuning [[chunk-order=<enum>] [,sync-level=<enum>]]

Datastore tuning options

--verify-new <boolean>

If enabled, all new backups will be verified right after completion.

--keep-daily <integer> (1 - N)

Number of daily backups to keep.

--keep-hourly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of hourly backups to keep.

--keep-last <integer> (1 - N)

Number of backups to keep.

--keep-monthly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of monthly backups to keep.

--keep-weekly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of weekly backups to keep.

--keep-yearly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of yearly backups to keep.

proxmox-backup-manager disk fs create <name> --disk <string> [OPTIONS]

Create a Filesystem on an unused disk. Will be mounted under /mnt/datastore/<name>.


Datastore name.

--disk <string>

Block device name (/sys/block/<name>).

Optional parameters:

--add-datastore <boolean>

Configure a datastore using the directory.

--filesystem ext4|xfs

proxmox-backup-manager disk fs delete <name>

Remove a Filesystem mounted under /mnt/datastore/<name>.


Datastore name.

proxmox-backup-manager disk fs list [OPTIONS]

List systemd datastore mount units.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager disk initialize <disk> [OPTIONS]

Initialize empty Disk with GPT


Block device name (/sys/block/<name>).

Optional parameters:

--uuid <string>

UUID for the GPT table.

proxmox-backup-manager disk list [OPTIONS]

Local disk list.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager disk smart-attributes <disk> [OPTIONS]

Show SMART attributes.


Block device name (/sys/block/<name>).

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager disk wipe <disk>

wipe disk


(Partition) block device name (/sys/class/block/<name>).

proxmox-backup-manager disk zpool create <name> --devices [<string>, ...] --raidlevel single|mirror|raid10|raidz|raidz2|raidz3 [OPTIONS]

create a zfs pool


Datastore name.

--devices [<string>, ...]

A list of disk names, comma separated.

--raidlevel single|mirror|raid10|raidz|raidz2|raidz3

The ZFS RAID level to use.

Optional parameters:

--add-datastore <boolean>

Configure a datastore using the zpool.

--ashift <integer> (9 - 16)   (default=12)

Pool sector size exponent.

--compression gzip|lz4|lzjb|zle|zstd|on|off   (default=On)

The ZFS compression algorithm to use.

proxmox-backup-manager disk zpool list [OPTIONS]

Local zfs pools.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager dns get [OPTIONS]

Read DNS settings

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager dns set [OPTIONS]

Update DNS settings.

Optional parameters:

--delete dns1|dns2|dns3

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--dns1 <string>

First name server IP address.

--dns2 <string>

Second name server IP address.

--dns3 <string>

Third name server IP address.

--search <string>

Search domain for host-name lookup.

proxmox-backup-manager garbage-collection list [OPTIONS]

List garbage collection job status for all datastores, including datastores without gc jobs.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager garbage-collection start <store> [OPTIONS]

Start garbage collection for a specific datastore.


Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager garbage-collection status <store> [OPTIONS]

Show garbage collection status for a specific datastore.


Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager help [{<command>}] [OPTIONS]

Get help about specified command (or sub-command).


Command. This may be a list in order to spefify nested sub-commands. Can be specified more than once.

Optional parameters:

--verbose <boolean>

Verbose help.

proxmox-backup-manager ldap create <realm> --base-dn <string> --server1 <string> --user-attr <string> [OPTIONS]

Create a new LDAP realm


Realm name.

--base-dn <string>

LDAP Domain

--server1 <string>

LDAP server address

--user-attr <string>

Username attribute. Used to map a userid to LDAP to an LDAP dn.

Optional parameters:

--password <string>

LDAP bind password

--bind-dn <string>

LDAP Domain

--capath <string>

CA certificate to use for the server. The path can point to either a file, or a directory. If it points to a file, the PEM-formatted X.509 certificate stored at the path will be added as a trusted certificate. If the path points to a directory, the directory replaces the system's default certificate store at /etc/ssl/certs - Every file in the directory will be loaded as a trusted certificate.

--comment <string>


--filter <string>

Custom LDAP search filter for user sync

--mode ldap|ldap+starttls|ldaps   (default=ldap)

LDAP connection type

--port <integer> (0 - 65535)


--server2 <string>

Fallback LDAP server address

--sync-attributes [[email=<string>] [,firstname=<string>] [,lastname=<string>]]

Comma-separated list of key=value pairs for specifying which LDAP attributes map to which PBS user field. For example, to map the LDAP attribute mail to PBS's email, write email=mail.

--sync-defaults-options [[enable-new=<1|0>] [,remove-vanished=<string>]]

sync defaults options

--user-classes [<string>, ...]   (default=inetorgperson,posixaccount,person,user)

Comma-separated list of allowed objectClass values for user synchronization. For instance, if user-classes is set to person,user, then user synchronization will consider all LDAP entities where objectClass: person or objectClass: user.

--verify <boolean>   (default=false)

Verify server certificate

proxmox-backup-manager ldap delete <realm> [OPTIONS]

Remove an LDAP realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager ldap list [OPTIONS]

List configured LDAP realms

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager ldap show <realm> [OPTIONS]

Show LDAP realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager ldap sync <realm> [OPTIONS]

Sync a given LDAP realm


Authentication domain ID

Optional parameters:

--dry-run <boolean>   (default=false)

If set, do not create/delete anything

--enable-new <boolean>

Enable newly synced users immediately

--remove-vanished [acl|entry|properties, ...]

A semicolon-seperated list of things to remove when they or the user vanishes during user synchronization. The following values are possible: entry removes the user when not returned from the sync; properties removes any properties on existing user that do not appear in the source. acl removes ACLs when the user is not returned from the sync.

proxmox-backup-manager ldap update <realm> [OPTIONS]

Update an LDAP realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--delete server2|port|comment|verify|mode|bind-dn|password|filter|sync-defaults-options|sync-attributes|user-classes

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--password <string>

LDAP bind password

--base-dn <string>

LDAP Domain

--bind-dn <string>

LDAP Domain

--capath <string>

CA certificate to use for the server. The path can point to either a file, or a directory. If it points to a file, the PEM-formatted X.509 certificate stored at the path will be added as a trusted certificate. If the path points to a directory, the directory replaces the system's default certificate store at /etc/ssl/certs - Every file in the directory will be loaded as a trusted certificate.

--comment <string>


--filter <string>

Custom LDAP search filter for user sync

--mode ldap|ldap+starttls|ldaps   (default=ldap)

LDAP connection type

--port <integer> (0 - 65535)


--server1 <string>

LDAP server address

--server2 <string>

Fallback LDAP server address

--sync-attributes [[email=<string>] [,firstname=<string>] [,lastname=<string>]]

Comma-separated list of key=value pairs for specifying which LDAP attributes map to which PBS user field. For example, to map the LDAP attribute mail to PBS's email, write email=mail.

--sync-defaults-options [[enable-new=<1|0>] [,remove-vanished=<string>]]

sync defaults options

--user-attr <string>

Username attribute. Used to map a userid to LDAP to an LDAP dn.

--user-classes [<string>, ...]   (default=inetorgperson,posixaccount,person,user)

Comma-separated list of allowed objectClass values for user synchronization. For instance, if user-classes is set to person,user, then user synchronization will consider all LDAP entities where objectClass: person or objectClass: user.

--verify <boolean>   (default=false)

Verify server certificate

proxmox-backup-manager network changes

Show pending configuration changes (diff)

proxmox-backup-manager network create <iface> [OPTIONS]

Create network interface configuration.


Network interface name.

Optional parameters:

--autostart <boolean>

Autostart interface.

--bond-primary <string>

Network interface name.

--bond_mode balance-rr|active-backup|balance-xor|broadcast|802.3ad|balance-tlb|balance-alb

Linux Bond Mode

--bond_xmit_hash_policy layer2|layer2+3|layer3+4

Bond Transmit Hash Policy for LACP (802.3ad)

--bridge_ports [<string>, ...]

A list of network devices, comma separated.

--bridge_vlan_aware <boolean>

Enable bridge vlan support.

--cidr <string>

IPv4 address with netmask (CIDR notation).

--cidr6 <string>

IPv6 address with netmask (CIDR notation).

--comments <string>

Comments (inet, may span multiple lines)

--comments6 <string>

Comments (inet5, may span multiple lines)

--gateway <string>

IPv4 address.

--gateway6 <string>

IPv6 address.

--method manual|static|dhcp|loopback

Interface configuration method

--method6 manual|static|dhcp|loopback

Interface configuration method

--mtu <integer> (46 - 65535)   (default=1500)

Maximum Transmission Unit.

--slaves [<string>, ...]

A list of network devices, comma separated.

--type loopback|eth|bridge|bond|vlan|alias|unknown

Network interface type

--vlan-id <integer>


--vlan-raw-device <string>

Network interface name.

proxmox-backup-manager network list [OPTIONS]

Network device list.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager network reload

Reload network configuration (requires ifupdown2).

proxmox-backup-manager network remove <iface> [OPTIONS]

Remove network interface configuration.


Network interface name.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager network revert

Revert network configuration (rm /etc/network/

proxmox-backup-manager network update <iface> [OPTIONS]

Update network interface config.


Network interface name.

Optional parameters:

--autostart <boolean>

Autostart interface.

--bond-primary <string>

Network interface name.

--bond_mode balance-rr|active-backup|balance-xor|broadcast|802.3ad|balance-tlb|balance-alb

Linux Bond Mode

--bond_xmit_hash_policy layer2|layer2+3|layer3+4

Bond Transmit Hash Policy for LACP (802.3ad)

--bridge_ports [<string>, ...]

A list of network devices, comma separated.

--bridge_vlan_aware <boolean>

Enable bridge vlan support.

--cidr <string>

IPv4 address with netmask (CIDR notation).

--cidr6 <string>

IPv6 address with netmask (CIDR notation).

--comments <string>

Comments (inet, may span multiple lines)

--comments6 <string>

Comments (inet5, may span multiple lines)

--delete cidr|cidr6|gateway|gateway6|method|method6|comments|comments6|mtu|autostart|bridge_ports|bridge_vlan_aware|slaves|bond-primary|bond_xmit_hash_policy

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--gateway <string>

IPv4 address.

--gateway6 <string>

IPv6 address.

--method manual|static|dhcp|loopback

Interface configuration method

--method6 manual|static|dhcp|loopback

Interface configuration method

--mtu <integer> (46 - 65535)   (default=1500)

Maximum Transmission Unit.

--slaves [<string>, ...]

A list of network devices, comma separated.

--type loopback|eth|bridge|bond|vlan|alias|unknown

Network interface type

--vlan-id <integer>


--vlan-raw-device <string>

Network interface name.

proxmox-backup-manager node show [OPTIONS]

Show node configuration

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager node update [OPTIONS]

Update the node configuration

Optional parameters:

--delete acme|acmedomain0|acmedomain1|acmedomain2|acmedomain3|acmedomain4|http-proxy|email-from|ciphers-tls-1.3|ciphers-tls-1.2|default-lang|description|task-log-max-days

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Digest to protect against concurrent updates

--acme [account=<string>]

The acme account to use on this node.

--acmedomain0 [domain=<string> [,alias=<string>] [,plugin=<string>]]

ACME domain configuration string

--acmedomain1 [domain=<string> [,alias=<string>] [,plugin=<string>]]

ACME domain configuration string

--acmedomain2 [domain=<string> [,alias=<string>] [,plugin=<string>]]

ACME domain configuration string

--acmedomain3 [domain=<string> [,alias=<string>] [,plugin=<string>]]

ACME domain configuration string

--acmedomain4 [domain=<string> [,alias=<string>] [,plugin=<string>]]

ACME domain configuration string

--ciphers-tls-1.2 <string>

OpenSSL cipher list used by the proxy for TLS <= 1.2

--ciphers-tls-1.3 <string>

OpenSSL ciphersuites list used by the proxy for TLS 1.3

--default-lang ar|ca|da|de|en|es|eu|fa|fr|gl|he|hu|it|ja|kr|nb|nl|nn|pl|pt_BR|ru|sl|sv|tr|zh_CN|zh_TW

All available languages in Proxmox. Taken from proxmox-i18n repository. pt_BR, zh_CN, and zh_TW use the same case in the translation files.

--description <string>

Comment (multiple lines).

--email-from <string>

E-Mail Address.

--http-proxy [http://]<host>[:port]

HTTP proxy configuration [http://]<host>[:port]

--task-log-max-days <integer> (0 - N)

Maximum days to keep Task logs

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint gotify create <name> --token <string> --server <string> [OPTIONS]

Add a new gotify endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

--token <string>

Authentication token

--server <string>

Gotify Server URL.

Optional parameters:

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>

Disable this target.

--filter <string>


--origin user-created|builtin|modified-builtin

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint gotify delete <name>

Delete gotify endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint gotify list [OPTIONS]

List all endpoints.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint gotify show <name> [OPTIONS]

Show a single endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint gotify update <name> [OPTIONS]

Update gotify endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--delete comment|disable

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--token <string>

Authentication token

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>

Disable this target.

--server <string>

Gotify Server URL.

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint sendmail create <name> [OPTIONS]

Add a new sendmail endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--author <string>

Author of the mail. Defaults to 'Proxmox Backup Server ($hostname)'

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>

Disable this target.

--filter <string>


--from-address <string>

From address for sent E-Mails. If the parameter is not set, the plugin will fall back to the email-from setting from node.cfg (PBS). If that is also not set, the plugin will default to root@$hostname, where $hostname is the hostname of the node.

--mailto <string>

Mail address to send a mail to. Can be specified more than once.

--mailto-user <string>

Users to send a mail to. The email address of the user will be looked up in users.cfg. Can be specified more than once.

--origin user-created|builtin|modified-builtin

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint sendmail delete <name>

Delete sendmail endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint sendmail list [OPTIONS]

List all endpoints.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint sendmail show <name> [OPTIONS]

Show a single endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint sendmail update <name> [OPTIONS]

Update sendmail endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--delete author|comment|disable|from-address|mailto|mailto-user

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--author <string>

Author of the mail. Defaults to 'Proxmox Backup Server ($hostname)'

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>

Disable this target.

--from-address <string>

From address for sent E-Mails. If the parameter is not set, the plugin will fall back to the email-from setting from node.cfg (PBS). If that is also not set, the plugin will default to root@$hostname, where $hostname is the hostname of the node.

--mailto <string>

Mail address to send a mail to. Can be specified more than once.

--mailto-user <string>

Users to send a mail to. The email address of the user will be looked up in users.cfg. Can be specified more than once.

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint smtp create <name> --from-address <string> --server <string> [OPTIONS]

Add a new smtp endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

--from-address <string>

From address for the mail. SMTP relays might require that this address is owned by the user in order to avoid spoofing. The From header in the email will be set to $author <$from-address>.

--server <string>

Host name or IP of the SMTP relay.

Optional parameters:

--password <string>

SMTP authentication password

--author <string>

Author of the mail. Defaults to 'Proxmox Backup Server ($hostname)'

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>

Disable this target.

--mailto <string>

Mail address to send a mail to. Can be specified more than once.

--mailto-user <string>

Users to send a mail to. The email address of the user will be looked up in users.cfg. Can be specified more than once.

--mode insecure|starttls|tls   (default=tls)

Connection security

--origin user-created|builtin|modified-builtin

--port <integer> (0 - 65535)

The port to connect to. If not set, the used port defaults to 25 (insecure), 465 (tls) or 587 (starttls), depending on the value of mode

--username <string>

Username to use during authentication. If no username is set, no authentication will be performed. The PLAIN and LOGIN authentication methods are supported

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint smtp delete <name>

Delete smtp endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint smtp list [OPTIONS]

List all endpoints.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint smtp show <name> [OPTIONS]

Show a single endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification endpoint smtp update <name> [OPTIONS]

Update smtp endpoint.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--delete author|comment|disable|mailto|mailto-user|password|port|username

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--password <string>

SMTP authentication password

--author <string>

Author of the mail. Defaults to 'Proxmox Backup Server ($hostname)'

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>

Disable this target.

--from-address <string>

From address for the mail. SMTP relays might require that this address is owned by the user in order to avoid spoofing. The From header in the email will be set to $author <$from-address>.

--mailto <string>

Mail address to send a mail to. Can be specified more than once.

--mailto-user <string>

Users to send a mail to. The email address of the user will be looked up in users.cfg. Can be specified more than once.

--mode insecure|starttls|tls   (default=tls)

Connection security

--port <integer> (0 - 65535)

The port to connect to. If not set, the used port defaults to 25 (insecure), 465 (tls) or 587 (starttls), depending on the value of mode

--server <string>

Host name or IP of the SMTP relay.

--username <string>

Username to use during authentication. If no username is set, no authentication will be performed. The PLAIN and LOGIN authentication methods are supported

proxmox-backup-manager notification matcher create <name> [OPTIONS]

Add a new notification matcher.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>

Disable this matcher.

--invert-match <boolean>

Invert match of the whole filter.

--match-calendar <string>

List of matched severity levels. Can be specified more than once.

--match-field <string>

List of matched metadata fields. Can be specified more than once.

--match-severity <string>

List of matched severity levels. Can be specified more than once.

--mode all|any   (default=all)

--origin user-created|builtin|modified-builtin

--target <string>

Targets to notify. Can be specified more than once.

proxmox-backup-manager notification matcher delete <name>

Delete notification matcher.


Name schema for targets and matchers

proxmox-backup-manager notification matcher list [OPTIONS]

List notification matchers.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification matcher show <name> [OPTIONS]

Show a single matcher.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification matcher update <name> [OPTIONS]

Update notification matcher.


Name schema for targets and matchers

Optional parameters:

--delete comment|disable|invert-match|match-calendar|match-field|match-severity|mode|target

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>

Disable this matcher.

--invert-match <boolean>

Invert match of the whole filter.

--match-calendar <string>

List of matched severity levels. Can be specified more than once.

--match-field <string>

List of matched metadata fields. Can be specified more than once.

--match-severity <string>

List of matched severity levels. Can be specified more than once.

--mode all|any   (default=all)

--target <string>

Targets to notify. Can be specified more than once.

proxmox-backup-manager notification target list [OPTIONS]

List targets.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager notification target test <name>

Test a given notification target.


Name schema for targets and matchers

proxmox-backup-manager openid create <realm> --client-id <string> --issuer-url <string> [OPTIONS]

Create a new OpenId realm


Realm name.

--client-id <string>

OpenID Client ID

--issuer-url <string>

OpenID Issuer Url

Optional parameters:

--acr-values [<string>, ...]

OpenID ACR List

--autocreate <boolean>   (default=false)

Automatically create users if they do not exist.

--client-key <string>

OpenID Client Key

--comment <string>


--prompt <string>

OpenID Prompt

--scopes [<string>, ...]   (default=email profile)

OpenID Scope List

--username-claim <string>

Use the value of this attribute/claim as unique user name. It is up to the identity provider to guarantee the uniqueness. The OpenID specification only guarantees that Subject ('sub') is unique. Also make sure that the user is not allowed to change that attribute by himself!

proxmox-backup-manager openid delete <realm> [OPTIONS]

Remove a OpenID realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager openid list [OPTIONS]

List configured OpenId realms

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager openid show <realm> [OPTIONS]

Show OpenID realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager openid update <realm> [OPTIONS]

Update an OpenID realm configuration


Realm name.

Optional parameters:

--delete client-key|comment|autocreate|scopes|prompt|acr-values

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--acr-values [<string>, ...]

OpenID ACR List

--autocreate <boolean>   (default=false)

Automatically create users if they do not exist.

--client-id <string>

OpenID Client ID

--client-key <string>

OpenID Client Key

--comment <string>


--issuer-url <string>

OpenID Issuer Url

--prompt <string>

OpenID Prompt

--scopes [<string>, ...]   (default=email profile)

OpenID Scope List

proxmox-backup-manager prune-job create <id> --schedule <calendar-event> --store <string> [OPTIONS]

Create a new prune job.


Job ID.

--schedule <calendar-event>

Run prune job at specified schedule.

--store <string>

Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>   (default=false)

Disable this job.

--max-depth <integer> (0 - 7)

How many levels of namespaces should be operated on (0 == no recursion, empty == automatic full recursion, namespace depths reduce maximum allowed value)

--ns <string>


--keep-daily <integer> (1 - N)

Number of daily backups to keep.

--keep-hourly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of hourly backups to keep.

--keep-last <integer> (1 - N)

Number of backups to keep.

--keep-monthly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of monthly backups to keep.

--keep-weekly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of weekly backups to keep.

--keep-yearly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of yearly backups to keep.

proxmox-backup-manager prune-job list [OPTIONS]

List all prune jobs

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager prune-job remove <id> [OPTIONS]

Remove a prune job configuration


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager prune-job run <id> [OPTIONS]

Run the specified prune job


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager prune-job show <id> [OPTIONS]

Show prune job configuration


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager prune-job update <id> [OPTIONS]

Update prune job config.


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--delete comment|disable|ns|max-depth|keep-last|keep-hourly|keep-daily|keep-weekly|keep-monthly|keep-yearly

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--comment <string>


--disable <boolean>   (default=false)

Disable this job.

--schedule <calendar-event>

Run prune job at specified schedule.

--store <string>

Datastore name.

--max-depth <integer> (0 - 7)

How many levels of namespaces should be operated on (0 == no recursion, empty == automatic full recursion, namespace depths reduce maximum allowed value)

--ns <string>


--keep-daily <integer> (1 - N)

Number of daily backups to keep.

--keep-hourly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of hourly backups to keep.

--keep-last <integer> (1 - N)

Number of backups to keep.

--keep-monthly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of monthly backups to keep.

--keep-weekly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of weekly backups to keep.

--keep-yearly <integer> (1 - N)

Number of yearly backups to keep.

proxmox-backup-manager pull <remote> <remote-store> <store> [OPTIONS]

Sync datastore from another repository


Remote ID.


Datastore name.


Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--group-filter [<exclude:|include:>]<type:<vm|ct|host>|group:GROUP|regex:RE>

List of group filters. Can be specified more than once.

--max-depth <integer> (0 - 7)   (default=7)

How many levels of namespaces should be operated on (0 == no recursion)

--ns <string>


--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

--remote-ns <string>


--remove-vanished <boolean>   (default=false)

Delete vanished backups. This remove the local copy if the remote backup was deleted.

--transfer-last <integer> (1 - N)

Limit transfer to last N snapshots (per group), skipping others

--burst-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--burst-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

proxmox-backup-manager remote create <name> --password <string> --auth-id <string> --host <string> [OPTIONS]

Create new remote.


Remote ID.

--password <string>

Password or auth token for remote host.

--auth-id <string>

Authentication ID

--host <string>

DNS name or IP address.

Optional parameters:

--comment <string>


--fingerprint <string>

X509 certificate fingerprint (sha256).

--port <integer>

The (optional) port

proxmox-backup-manager remote list [OPTIONS]

List configured remotes.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager remote remove <name> [OPTIONS]

Remove a remote from the configuration file.


Remote ID.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager remote show <name> [OPTIONS]

Show remote configuration


Remote ID.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager remote update <name> [OPTIONS]

Update remote configuration.


Remote ID.

Optional parameters:

--delete comment|fingerprint|port

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--password <string>

Password or auth token for remote host.

--auth-id <string>

Authentication ID

--comment <string>


--fingerprint <string>

X509 certificate fingerprint (sha256).

--host <string>

DNS name or IP address.

--port <integer>

The (optional) port

proxmox-backup-manager report

System report

proxmox-backup-manager subscription get [OPTIONS]

Read subscription info.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager subscription remove

Delete subscription info.

proxmox-backup-manager subscription set <key>

Set a subscription key and check it.


Proxmox Backup Server subscription key.

proxmox-backup-manager subscription set-offline-key <data>

(Internal use only!) Set a signed subscription info blob as offline key


base64-encoded signed subscription info

proxmox-backup-manager subscription update [OPTIONS]

Check and update subscription status.

Optional parameters:

--force <boolean>   (default=false)

Always connect to server, even if information in cache is up to date.

proxmox-backup-manager sync-job create <id> --remote-store <string> --store <string> [OPTIONS]

Create a new sync job.


Job ID.

--remote-store <string>

Datastore name.

--store <string>

Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--comment <string>


--group-filter [<exclude:|include:>]<type:<vm|ct|host>|group:GROUP|regex:RE>

List of group filters. Can be specified more than once.

--max-depth <integer> (0 - 7)

How many levels of namespaces should be operated on (0 == no recursion, empty == automatic full recursion, namespace depths reduce maximum allowed value)

--ns <string>


--owner <string>

Authentication ID

--remote <string>

Remote ID.

--remote-ns <string>


--remove-vanished <boolean>   (default=false)

Delete vanished backups. This remove the local copy if the remote backup was deleted.

--schedule <calendar-event>

Run sync job at specified schedule.

--transfer-last <integer> (1 - N)

Limit transfer to last N snapshots (per group), skipping others

--burst-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--burst-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

proxmox-backup-manager sync-job list [OPTIONS]

Sync job list.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager sync-job remove <id> [OPTIONS]

Remove a sync job configuration


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager sync-job run <id> [OPTIONS]

Run the specified sync job


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager sync-job show <id> [OPTIONS]

Show sync job configuration


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager sync-job update <id> [OPTIONS]

Update sync job config.


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--delete remote|owner|comment|schedule|remove-vanished|group-filter|rate-in|burst-in|rate-out|burst-out|ns|remote-ns|max-depth|transfer-last

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--comment <string>


--group-filter [<exclude:|include:>]<type:<vm|ct|host>|group:GROUP|regex:RE>

List of group filters. Can be specified more than once.

--max-depth <integer> (0 - 7)

How many levels of namespaces should be operated on (0 == no recursion, empty == automatic full recursion, namespace depths reduce maximum allowed value)

--ns <string>


--owner <string>

Authentication ID

--remote <string>

Remote ID.

--remote-ns <string>


--remote-store <string>

Datastore name.

--remove-vanished <boolean>   (default=false)

Delete vanished backups. This remove the local copy if the remote backup was deleted.

--schedule <calendar-event>

Run sync job at specified schedule.

--store <string>

Datastore name.

--transfer-last <integer> (1 - N)

Limit transfer to last N snapshots (per group), skipping others

--burst-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--burst-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

proxmox-backup-manager task list [OPTIONS]

List running server tasks.

Optional parameters:

--all <boolean>

Also list stopped tasks.

--limit <integer> (1 - 1000)   (default=50)

The maximal number of tasks to list.

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager task log <upid>

Display the task log.


Unique Process/Task Identifier

proxmox-backup-manager task stop <upid>

Try to stop a specific task.


Unique Process/Task Identifier

proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control create <name> --network <string> [OPTIONS]

Create new traffic control rule.


Rule ID.

--network <string>

Rule applies to Source IPs within this networks Can be specified more than once.

Optional parameters:

--comment <string>


--timeframe <string>

Enable the rule at specific times Can be specified more than once.

--burst-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--burst-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control list [OPTIONS]

List configured traffic control rules.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control remove <name> [OPTIONS]

Remove a traffic control rule from the configuration file.


Rule ID.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control show <name> [OPTIONS]

Show traffic control configuration


Rule ID.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control traffic [OPTIONS]

Show current traffic for all rules.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager traffic-control update <name> [OPTIONS]

Update traffic control configuration.


Rule ID.

Optional parameters:

--delete rate-in|burst-in|rate-out|burst-out|comment|timeframe

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--comment <string>


--network <string>

Rule applies to Source IPs within this networks Can be specified more than once.

--timeframe <string>

Enable the rule at specific times Can be specified more than once.

--burst-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--burst-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-in <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

--rate-out <string>

Byte size with optional unit (B, KB (base 10), MB, GB, ..., KiB (base 2), MiB, Gib, ...).

proxmox-backup-manager user create <userid> [OPTIONS]

Create new user.


User ID

Optional parameters:

--password <string>

User Password.

--comment <string>


--email <string>

E-Mail Address.

--enable <boolean>   (default=true)

Enable the account (default). You can set this to '0' to disable the account.

--expire <integer> (0 - N)   (default=0)

Account expiration date (seconds since epoch). '0' means no expiration date.

--firstname <string>

First name.

--lastname <string>

Last name.

proxmox-backup-manager user delete-token <userid> <token-name> [OPTIONS]

Delete a user's API token


User ID


The token ID part of an API token authentication id.

This alone does NOT uniquely identify the API token - use a full Authid for such use cases.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager user generate-token <userid> <token-name> [OPTIONS]

Generate a new API token with given metadata


User ID


The token ID part of an API token authentication id.

This alone does NOT uniquely identify the API token - use a full Authid for such use cases.

Optional parameters:

--comment <string>


--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--enable <boolean>   (default=true)

Enable the account (default). You can set this to '0' to disable the account.

--expire <integer> (0 - N)   (default=0)

Account expiration date (seconds since epoch). '0' means no expiration date.

proxmox-backup-manager user list [OPTIONS]

List configured users.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager user list-tokens <userid> [OPTIONS]

List tokens associated with user.


User ID

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager user permissions <auth-id> [OPTIONS]

List permissions of user/token.


Authentication ID

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

--path <string>

Access control path.

proxmox-backup-manager user remove <userid> [OPTIONS]

Remove a user from the configuration file.


User ID

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager user tfa delete <userid> <id> [OPTIONS]

Delete a single TFA entry.


User ID


the tfa entry id

Optional parameters:

--password <string>


proxmox-backup-manager user tfa list <userid> [OPTIONS]

List all tfa methods for a user.


User ID

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager user tfa unlock <userid>

Unlock a user's TFA authentication.


User ID

proxmox-backup-manager user update <userid> [OPTIONS]

Update user configuration.


User ID

Optional parameters:

--delete comment|firstname|lastname|email

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--password <string>

User Password.

--comment <string>


--email <string>

E-Mail Address.

--enable <boolean>   (default=true)

Enable the account (default). You can set this to '0' to disable the account.

--expire <integer> (0 - N)   (default=0)

Account expiration date (seconds since epoch). '0' means no expiration date.

--firstname <string>

First name.

--lastname <string>

Last name.

proxmox-backup-manager verify <store> [OPTIONS]

Verify backups


Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--ignore-verified <boolean>   (default=true)

Do not verify backups that are already verified if their verification is not outdated.

--outdated-after <integer> (0 - N)

Days after that a verification becomes outdated. (0 is deprecated)'

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager verify-job create <id> --store <string> [OPTIONS]

Create a new verification job.


Job ID.

--store <string>

Datastore name.

Optional parameters:

--comment <string>


--ignore-verified <boolean>   (default=true)

Do not verify backups that are already verified if their verification is not outdated.

--max-depth <integer> (0 - 7)   (default=7)

How many levels of namespaces should be operated on (0 == no recursion)

--ns <string>


--outdated-after <integer> (0 - N)

Days after that a verification becomes outdated. (0 is deprecated)'

--schedule <calendar-event>

Run verify job at specified schedule.

proxmox-backup-manager verify-job list [OPTIONS]

List all verification jobs

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager verify-job remove <id> [OPTIONS]

Remove a verification job configuration


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

proxmox-backup-manager verify-job run <id> [OPTIONS]

Run the specified verification job


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager verify-job show <id> [OPTIONS]

Show verification job configuration


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-manager verify-job update <id> [OPTIONS]

Update verification job config.


Job ID.

Optional parameters:

--delete ignore-verified|comment|schedule|outdated-after|ns|max-depth

List of properties to delete. Can be specified more than once.

--digest <string>

Prevent changes if current configuration file has different SHA256 digest. This can be used to prevent concurrent modifications.

--comment <string>


--ignore-verified <boolean>   (default=true)

Do not verify backups that are already verified if their verification is not outdated.

--max-depth <integer> (0 - 7)   (default=7)

How many levels of namespaces should be operated on (0 == no recursion)

--ns <string>


--outdated-after <integer> (0 - N)

Days after that a verification becomes outdated. (0 is deprecated)'

--schedule <calendar-event>

Run verify job at specified schedule.

--store <string>

Datastore name.

proxmox-backup-manager versions [OPTIONS]

List package versions for important Proxmox Backup Server packages.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

--verbose <boolean>   (default=false)

Output verbose package information. It is ignored if output-format is specified.