File Formats

Proxmox File Archive Format (.pxar)

digraph g {
graph [
rankdir = "LR"
node [
fontsize = "16"
shape = "record"
edge [

"archive" [
label = "archive.pxar"
shape = "record"

"rootdir" [
label = "<f0> ENTRY| \{XATTR\}\* extended attribute list\l | \{ACL_USER\}\* USER ACL entries\l | \{ACL_GROUP\}\* GROUP ACL entries\l| \[ACL_GROUP_OBJ\] the ACL_GROUP_OBJ \l| \[ACL_DEFAULT\] the various default ACL fields\l|\{ACL_DEFAULT_USER\}\* USER ACL entries\l|\{ACL_DEFAULT_GROUP\}\* GROUP ACL entries\l|\[FCAPS\] file capability in Linux disk format\l|\[QUOTA_PROJECT_ID\] the ext4/xfs quota project ID\l| { PAYLOAD  | SYMLINK | DEVICE | { <de> \{DirectoryEntries\}\* | GOODBYE}}"
shape = "record"

"entry" [
label = "<f0> size: u64 = 64\l|type: u64 = ENTRY\l|feature_flags: u64\l|mode: u64\l|flags: u64\l|uid: u64\l|gid: u64\l|mtime: u64\l"
labeljust = "l"
shape = "record"

"direntry" [
label = "<f0> FILENAME |{ENTRY | HARDLINK}"
shape = "record"

"archive" -> "rootdir":f0

"rootdir":f0 -> "entry":f0

"rootdir":de -> "direntry":f0


Proxmox File Archive Format - Meta (.mpxar)

Pxar metadata archive with same structure as a regular pxar archive, with the exception of regular file payloads not being contained within the archive itself, but rather being stored as payload references to the corresponding pxar payload (.ppxar) file.

Can be used to lookup all the archive entries and metadata without the size overhead introduced by the file payloads.

digraph g {
graph [
rankdir = "LR"
node [
fontsize = "16"
shape = "record"
edge [

"archive" [
label = "archive.mpxar"
shape = "record"

"rootdir" [
label = "<fv>FORMAT_VERSION\l|PRELUDE\l|<f0>ENTRY\l|\{XATTR\}\* extended attribute list\l|\{ACL_USER\}\* USER ACL entries\l|\{ACL_GROUP\}\* GROUP ACL entries\l|\[ACL_GROUP_OBJ\] the ACL_GROUP_OBJ \l|\[ACL_DEFAULT\] the various default ACL fields\l|\{ACL_DEFAULT_USER\}\* USER ACL entries\l|\{ACL_DEFAULT_GROUP\}\* GROUP ACL entries\l|\[FCAPS\] file capability in Linux disk format\l|\[QUOTA_PROJECT_ID\] the ext4/xfs quota project ID\l|{<pl> PAYLOAD_REF|SYMLINK|DEVICE|{<de> \{DirectoryEntries\}\*|GOODBYE}}"
shape = "record"

"entry" [
label = "<f0> size: u64 = 64\l|type: u64 = ENTRY\l|feature_flags: u64\l|mode: u64\l|flags: u64\l|uid: u64\l|gid: u64\l|mtime: u64\l"
labeljust = "l"
shape = "record"

"direntry" [
label = "<f0> FILENAME\l|{ENTRY\l|HARDLINK\l}"
shape = "record"

"payloadrefentry" [
label = "<f0> offset: u64\l|size: u64\l"
shape = "record"

"archive" -> "rootdir":fv

"rootdir":f0 -> "entry":f0

"rootdir":de -> "direntry":f0

"rootdir":pl -> "payloadrefentry":f0


Proxmox File Archive Format - Payload (.ppxar)

Pxar payload file storing regular file payloads to be referenced and accessed by the corresponding pxar metadata (.mpxar) archive. Contains a concatenation of regular file payloads, each prefixed by a PAYLOAD header. Further, the actual referenced payload entries might be separated by padding (full/partial payloads not referenced), introduced when reusing chunks of a previous backup run, when chunk boundaries did not aligned to payload entry offsets.

All headers are stored as little-endian.


header of [u8; 16] consisting of type hash and size; marks start


header of [u8; 16] cosisting of type hash and size; referenced by metadata archive


raw regular file payload


partial/full unreferenced payloads, caused by unaligned chunk boundary


further concatenation of payload header, payload and padding


header of [u8; 16] consisting of type hash and size; marks end

Data Blob Format (.blob)

The data blob format is used to store small binary data. The magic number decides the exact format:

[66, 171, 56, 7, 190, 131, 112, 161]



[49, 185, 88, 66, 111, 182, 163, 127]



[123, 103, 133, 190, 34, 45, 76, 240]



[230, 89, 27, 191, 11, 191, 216, 11]



The compression algorithm used is zstd. The encryption cipher is AES_256_GCM.

Unencrypted blobs use the following format:

MAGIC: [u8; 8]

CRC32: [u8; 4]

Data: (max 16MiB)

Encrypted blobs additionally contain a 16 byte initialization vector (IV), followed by a 16 byte authenticated encryption (AE) tag, followed by the encrypted data:

MAGIC: [u8; 8]

CRC32: [u8; 4]

IV: [u8; 16]

TAG: [u8; 16]

Data: (max 16MiB)

Fixed Index Format (.fidx)

All numbers are stored as little-endian.

MAGIC: [u8; 8]

[47, 127, 65, 237, 145, 253, 15, 205]

uuid: [u8; 16],

Unique ID

ctime: i64,

Creation Time (epoch)

index_csum: [u8; 32],

SHA-256 over the index (without header) SHA256(digest1||digest2||...)

size: u64,

Image size

chunk_size: u64,

Chunk size

reserved: [u8; 4016],

Overall header size is one page (4096 bytes)

digest1: [u8; 32]

First chunk digest

digest2: [u8; 32]

Second chunk digest


Next chunk digest ...

Dynamic Index Format (.didx)

All numbers are stored as little-endian.

MAGIC: [u8; 8]

[28, 145, 78, 165, 25, 186, 179, 205]

uuid: [u8; 16],

Unique ID

ctime: i64,

Creation Time (epoch)

index_csum: [u8; 32],

SHA-256 over the index (without header) SHA256(offset1||digest1||offset2||digest2||...)

reserved: [u8; 4032],

Overall header size is one page (4096 bytes)

offset1: u64

End of first chunk

digest1: [u8; 32]

First chunk digest

offset2: u64

End of second chunk

digest2: [u8; 32]

Second chunk digest


Next chunk offset/digest