proxmox-backup-debug api create <api-path> [OPTIONS]

Call API on <api-path>


API path.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-debug api delete <api-path> [OPTIONS]

Call API on <api-path>


API path.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-debug api get <api-path> [OPTIONS]

Call API on <api-path>


API path.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-debug api ls [<path>] [OPTIONS]

Get API usage information for <path>


API path.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-debug api set <api-path> [OPTIONS]

Call API on <api-path>


API path.

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-debug api usage <path> [OPTIONS]

Get API usage information for <path>


API path.

Optional parameters:

--verbose <boolean>   (default=false)

Verbose output format.

proxmox-backup-debug diff archive <prev-snapshot> <snapshot> <archive-name> [OPTIONS]

Diff an archive in two snapshots. The command will output a list of added, modified and deleted files. For modified files, the file metadata (e.g. mode, uid, gid, size, etc.) will be considered. For detecting modification of file content, only mtime will be used by default. If the --compare-content flag is provided, mtime is ignored and file content will be compared.


Path for the first snapshot.


Path for the second snapshot.


Backup archive name.

Optional parameters:

--color always|auto|never   (default=auto)

Color output options

--compare-content <boolean>   (default=false)

Compare file content rather than solely relying on mtime for detecting modified files.

--keyfd <integer> (0 - N)

Pass an encryption key via an already opened file descriptor.

--keyfile <string>

Path to encryption key.

--ns <string>


--repository <string>

Repository URL.

proxmox-backup-debug help [{<command>}] [OPTIONS]

Get help about specified command (or sub-command).


Command. This may be a list in order to specify nested sub-commands. Can be specified more than once.

Optional parameters:

--verbose <boolean>

Verbose help.

proxmox-backup-debug inspect chunk <chunk> [OPTIONS]

Inspect a chunk


The chunk file.

Optional parameters:

--decode <string>

Path to the file to which the chunk should be decoded, '-' -> decode to stdout.

--digest <string>

Needed when searching for references, if set, it will be used for verification when decoding.

--keyfile <string>

Path to the keyfile with which the chunk was encrypted.

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

--reference-filter <string>

Path to the directory that should be searched for references.

--use-filename-as-digest <boolean>   (default=true)

The filename should be used as digest for reference search and decode verification, if no digest is specified.

proxmox-backup-debug inspect device <device> [OPTIONS]

Inspect a device for possible datastores on it


Device path, usually /dev/...

Optional parameters:

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-debug inspect file <file> [OPTIONS]

Inspect a file, for blob file without decode only the size and encryption mode is printed


Path to the file.

Optional parameters:

--decode <string>

Path to the file to which the file should be decoded, '-' -> decode to stdout.

--keyfile <string>

Path to the keyfile with which the file was encrypted.

--output-format text|json|json-pretty

Output format.

proxmox-backup-debug recover index <file> <chunks> [OPTIONS]

Restore the data from an index file, given the directory of where chunks are saved, the index file and a keyfile, if needed for decryption.


Path to the index file, either .fidx or .didx.


Path to the directory that contains the chunks, usually <datastore>/.chunks.

Optional parameters:

--ignore-corrupt-chunks <boolean>   (default=false)

If a chunk is corrupt, warn and write 0-bytes instead to attempt partial recovery.

--ignore-missing-chunks <boolean>   (default=false)

If a chunk is missing, warn and write 0-bytes instead to attempt partial recovery.

--keyfile <string>

Path to a keyfile, if the data was encrypted, a keyfile is needed for decryption.

--output-path <string>

Output file path, defaults to file without extension, '-' means STDOUT.

--skip-crc <boolean>   (default=false)

Skip the crc verification, increases the restore speed by lot.